Friday, April 23, 2010

Welcome to the Colonial America Review Page

The Test is Thursday, April 19th! You will find various study aids here -  I will be attempting to add more during the week! I hope they don't disappoint! Let me know if you have any questions...

Colonial America – The Early Settlements
Study Guide for Assessment on Friday, April 29th

These are important items you will want to assemble before you begin studying.

  • ALL your looseleaf notes as well - meaning of E Pluribus Unum, Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 4 Amazing Coincidences/Miracles involving the Separatists, Where the term "seperatists" came from, the Salem Witch Trials - 3 enduring lessons, etc...
  • Archaeology and Jamestown
  • The Mayflower Compact (with translation into simple language)
  • Jamestown Interactive (Jamestown and Werowocomoco) homework
  • Lesson - The Story of the Separatists (from watching the online videos) homework
  • King Phillip's War homework
  • Puritan history handout (you highlighted)
  • Your Jamestown story
  • New England colonies - Commerce and Religion
  • Education in New England 
  • The Middle Colonies
  • The Southern Colonies
  • The three quizzes on the Colonial Regions

Geography You will have some geography questions: i.e. Where were these first early English settlements?

The Early Settlements - Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth

This was an important part of class. Using the sources you have, you should know the following:
  • What years were these founded? You should know these.
  • Can you tell a little of the history/story associated with each?
  • Roanoke - what was the Lee Miller Rethinking Roanoke article about?
  • What hardships were suffered in each?
  • Where is each located – what modern day states?
  • What important people were involved with each?
  • Anything more we talked about...

The Growth of the English colonies. - The other important part of this unit.

Can you identify the 13 colonies by name and the region they are located in?
What are the colonial regions?
You will need to know important information from each region - characteristics of that region.
What was each region like?
How are they different from each other?
Your three regional quizzes will help you here.

*The Mayflower Compact –
  • Why did the Separatists and other “strangers” on the Mayflower feel the need to make this agreement
  • What are the Separatists giving themselves the right to do in this document?
  • What do they promise?
  • What does the document say? Remember, we rewrote it in class.
check out the  Mayflower Compact review right below here!


    *The Defeat of the Spanish Armada in the summer of 1588. Why was this event important? Explain two important outcomes of the English victory.
    *What difficulties did the Virginia Company have while trying to establish Jamestown?
    *Describe - What was "The New England Way" (the Puritans)
    *Salem Witch Trials (scary!) - what kind of evidence was actually allowed at these trials? You should know the basics of the story here.
    *Archaeology questions from our “Jamestown Dig” activity-
    • what are archaeologists looking for?
    • what were some of the archaeology pointers you learned in class?
    *E Pluribus Unum - what is the translation of this? What do you think it refers to? There were two things we said - remember?
    *King Phillip's War - what was on your homework, what did you learn? a few questions from here.
    *The Puritans, Boston, and the Massachusetts Bay colony - questions from the Puritan handout you highlighted...

    *Puritans and Separatists – they are protestant groups, both had problems with the Church of England – so what is the real difference between them?

    A Nice Review video below:

    Here is a practice M/C quiz for you - 16 questions for now...maybe more to come!

    Take my online quiz

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